the top one looks like a trophy the bottom a dom the third was funny as hell i thing you should give the black one some fishnets i think it would look good
the top one looks like a trophy the bottom a dom the third was funny as hell i thing you should give the black one some fishnets i think it would look good
this looks really good i don't really see any other art but i think you should make more
what a cute cat i wanna pet it!
damn you drew it so good it kinda looks like a filter nicely done!
Thanks!! I'm glad you like it 😸
the top one looks like a pixel 3d game and the bottom one looks really cute and well painted
Thank you for your critique.
I will treasure this forever.
after doing very extensive "research" on her i can say this looks her in a scale of 1-10 this scores an 11 the color the look without the doubt it is her
this reminds me of a tengu or griffin it's hard to say really since i don't know whether it's standing still or not but that's a really good design
Yeah, I wasn't inspired by anything in particular (That's actually quite common for me)- I just have a good imagination :) I put only slightly more effort into its lore, since these prompts aren't paid work or anything haha
where's the pizza box? did you just get me ONE piece of pizza that just floats around im gonna call your boss and try to get a refund or something
i thought you were a cat gf how am i suppose to keep a healthy relationship if i don't try to talk to you?
what the fuck this looks sick! it might look a bit extreme but it looks a dino chainsaw
I do have a big crush on Chainsaw Man but he wasn't an inspiration at all. I wouldn't call this extreme at all- this is actually one of my least favorites so far lol
World Dominator
in your bed
Joined on 10/24/20