
72 Audio Reviews

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You both sounded fantastic the cluelessness of the lady was really good and almost sounded genuine and how serious the guy starts like some kind of swat member but how it quickly it falls of to a bumbling goof also the editing was great too and if i would be honest i would actually buy the pitch the idea sounds good to fuck someone with and the lady sounded nervous that i kinda felt bad

this sounds like a retro dance battle against some kinds of boss

Drop17 responds:

He'd have so many phases xD

this sounds like something you would hear in a arcade level of a modern game

this sounded much more high quality than i expected your voice sounded really good and the editing was really well done

Aalasteir responds:

Thank you for your comment. I'm going to look into if I should download Grindr.

this fills me with memories of trying to steal food and that scream at the end was the icing on the cake

In a world where bioshock was actual a real life thing and people decided to make an action movie about it

sounds way too good need to make it sound like someone reading a script and being confused but still being enthusiastic about it

bruh does being a women mean you get so many compliments? If so then this makes me want to change side but to be honest i can go without the menstruation part or the creepy men

This was an hour well spent hearing about both of your experiences it was really interesting! im really glad that i found this series also i heard you speaking to someone in chat so do you stream anywhere that i can watch also i've never heard about the newground's convention if you don't minds can you tell me when the next one would happen and how i can join

immadametal responds:

I do stream a live recording for the Vomitorium podcast on Wed and Sat at 6 pm Central time (on Youtube, Twitch, Dlive, Twitter), but that is more of a casual news-related program (current events and such; mostly gaming). This came from a sister program, but fit the theme of this offline recorded show centered on NG users. There is another one from that show going up soon, but the rest in this series are just recordings going forward.

There was actually another NG digital festival since this was recorded, the NG Winter Fest. I have no clue when the next one will be. Maybe Summer, maybe further. Depends on if the staff can manage the time frame. If you are 18 or older, you can always join the discord for it by filling out the form linked under "Registration & Attendance" in this news post: https://stanpai.newgrounds.com/news/post/1228380 to meet some cool people and know when the next will be. Or you could also just follow Stanpai from that post since he runs it and will be the one making the post next time there is one (he also makes good stuff so he's worth following anyway).


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