
21 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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hercules had the right idea

VoicesByCorey responds:

That's a fact

this sounded nice but whatever that noise wasn't

the noise at 46

BubsBoopVA responds:

Hahaha which noise? I appreciate you for rating my audio!

this is absolutely perfect for an actual psa with the music and voice but i don't know if this is accurate or not because winter doesn't exist where im from

didn't you guys get a winter so bad it probably almost fucked up your state

Saminat responds:

The biggest concern is freezing temperatures. We never get snow in Texas, but it dips below freezing a few times each year and you gotta be careful!

bruh this sounds like someone trying to impersonate rick

WinterSpray responds:

like Rick and Morty? I've done that already (well, a few years ago but nonetheless) and I can assure you that my rick impression sounds absouletly nothing like this.

Damn the quality of your voice is perfect you really capture the silky smoothness voice of some military character without sounding edgy

Aalasteir responds:

Thanks! It really means a lot to me. It's good seeing you again.

the deep dark voice sounds truly wonderful the mix of lovecraft and the tired voice of the narrator almost souding dead inside really enchances the experience

CIEIRMusic responds:

Thanks. I figured it'd make more sense that the narrator would feel that way since he's talking about the events in past tense.

this sounded good the accent was great and the tech dude was good too but i think the best part was the struggling guy just because it sounded so genuine

PlanetDrewpiter responds:

Thanks so much for listening! Yeah, the struggle was more than a few layers for sure. I love doing foley every now and then.

this sounds like a retro dance battle against some kinds of boss

Drop17 responds:

He'd have so many phases xD

this sounded much more high quality than i expected your voice sounded really good and the editing was really well done

Aalasteir responds:

Thank you for your comment. I'm going to look into if I should download Grindr.


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