this looks really cool and well made good job!
this looks really cool and well made good job!
emo are really good but she looks really high or we high?
Everyone's hi
you look suave looking guy
ah thanks!
they look really cute it almost makes you forget what happens in the anime almost
Thank you! 😊
this truly captures his elegance
G l o r i o u s
i think you nailed it with this all you need is to draw a few more to get the hang of it
Thank you! And I hope so, I still have to experiment around with simpler styles until I find one I'm comfortable with and one that looks good too, I'll get it eventually!
this looks like a invitation to a circus filled with demons and dark magic
Sounds like a great time!
this looks really fucking badass gobby looks like doomsday and hulk
"Welcome to the Ultimate-universe where the Hulk ate people, the Red Skull is the illegitimate son of Captain America, and Mr. Fantastic became a villain!"
how much is it for a reservation?
Depends, from 250, 500 to 1000 wumpa coins.
World Dominator
in your bed
Joined on 10/24/20