this is the cutest fucking thing i've seen today
this is the cutest fucking thing i've seen today
Horray :D
it's all about getting the highest stonks possible
thats what im sayin
did she just take of her virtual boy? also this is really well drawn
It’s a helmet designed by a bud on Twitter.
Also, thank you.
she did such a good job i think she deserves even more coffee
I'm sure she'd take that over sleep anyway
this is what happens if you fused jotaro josuke and giorno together
It's funny because this story happens between part 4 and 5. It's about early 2000s in Russia
mama mia
"¡It's-a me, Tifa!"
it looks like a teddy bear for revenant
Thank you lol
this looks like a great action figure
thanks B :P
wow this looks really well made and is that a dog tattoo with her bellybutton as it's eye if so then that is the greatest idea i have ever seen
Ayee glad you noticed the tattoo! it's actually a fox with the belly button as the eye.
the title is devil may cry but no one ever seems to cry at all also this looks really good
lmao thank you :))
World Dominator
in your bed
Joined on 10/24/20